We look forward to having you visit with us
The Christian life is a journey to become more like Jesus Christ in every possible way. Our passion at Valley Christian Church in Birmingham, Alabama is to provide a warm, friendly, family atmosphere where you can grow in faith in God through Christ at your own pace and follow God as the Holy Spirit leads you. If you are a spiritual seeker who is just starting to ask questions about God, or if you are a committed Christian looking for a place to connect with others who share your deep faith, you are welcome amongst us on that journey. Our belief is that along this journey, you will experience the freedom to become everything God wants you to be, and the joy that comes with knowing God’s will for you more deeply.
We invite you to experience your journey of faith with us.
We are:
- A community of Jesus followers devoted to following Him as our Lord and Savior
- Beautiful, wonderful, imperfect, glorious, flawed, authentic, complex, and much more
- A space in which big questions can be asked, and meaningful answers prayerfully sought
- Noncreedal—meaning we do not demand total adherence to lengthy statements of faith
- Committed to doing the kingdom-building work of mission and outreach in Birmingham
- A place for gathering—in church and worship, in service, in the outdoors, and at play
We are Valley Christian Church. We have returned to in-person worship and hope to meet you sometime soon, either here in our sanctuary or on Zoom, at 10:30 on Sunday morning.