We look forward to welcoming you and your family to our church service. To make sure your Sunday morning experience is as meaningful as possible, here is what you can expect when you worship with us. Our all ages services start at 10:30am. If you have young children a nursery attendant will be available. Our nursery is open to preschool and younger during worship. We also offer quiet activities for young people to engage with during worship.
When you arrive for worship, a greeter will welcome you and give you a worship bulletin to follow along with the service. Also available at the entrance are prayer requests and contact information cards. If you desire more information about Valley Christian Church or would like to confidentially pass a prayer request on to the pastor simply fill out the card and place it in the offering plate.
The pastor, our worship leaders, and our deacons lead the worship. All song lyrics will be printed in your bulletin and Bibles are available in the pews.
We partake in Holy Communion every Sunday and it is available to all who believe Jesus Christ to be the Messiah, the Son of the living God. For hygiene reasons, we offer individually enclosed communion elements.
Our facility is ADA compliant and is equipped with a mobility ramp, an elevator, and two abbreviated pews in the sanctuary for worshipers in wheelchairs.
If you are unable to worship with us in-person you may worship with us on ZOOM at 10:30am.
Go to the www.vccbhm.org web site, click on “Links to Zoom” then choose the first option, “Sunday Worship Service” and follow directions for Sunday Worship Service Recorded.
You are welcomed and warmly invited to join us for coffee fellowship in the church parlor after worship.