Links to Zoom

Listed below are the 4 Valley Meeting links available for use for your meetings.  The Sunday Worship Service is only used for worship.  Valley Meeting 1 is available anytime and also used by the Bible Study Group on Tuesday evenings at 6:30pm.  Valley Meeting 2 is available anytime.  And finally, Valley Recorded Meeting is available anytime but is also used by the Board and the Cabinet on the third Monday of every month at 7pm.  Further instructions on Zoom Meeting Planning can be found here:  Zoom Instructions for Meeting Planning

If you have additional ongoing meetings you would like to add here please let Marilyn Ireland know.

Sunday Worship Service (recorded)

ID 867 5713 3623, Passcode 205879

By computer, smart phone or tablet:

By Phone:  1 (312) 626 6799    ID 867 5713 3623, Passcode 205879

Valley Meeting 1 (unrecorded)  – (also used by Bible Study Group)

ID 829 5294 8962, Passcode 205879

By computer, smart phone or tablet:

By Phone:  1 (312) 626 6799    ID 829 5294 8962, Passcode 205879

Valley Meeting 2 (unrecorded)

ID 873 6961 3769, Passcode 205879

By computer, smart phone or tablet:

By Phone:  1 (312) 626 6799    ID 873 6961 3769, Passcode 205879

Valley Recorded Meeting  (also used by Board Meeting, Cabinet Meeting)

ID 876 1857 6881, Passcode 205879

By computer, smart phone or tablet:

By Phone:  1 (312) 626 6799    ID 876 1857 6881, Passcode 205879